Sunday 30 June 2013

Star of the week 9

                                                       Vaishnavi.K (VIII A)

                                                     Roshith Bhanu (VIII B)

Saturday 29 June 2013

Prefects' Council Election

Orchids has been following a tradition of having elections for the various school appointments for the past two years. In this context, students of Classes X who nominated themselves for the posts of Head Boy, Head Girl and the House Captains gave speeches as part of the campaign.

On 29/6/2013 all the students of Classes VI – X participated in voting for the representatives with a lot of interest and enthusiasm. Stiff competition is anticipated in terms of votes especially for the Head Boy and Head Girl, the most prestigious posts for the senior most students.    

Sunday 23 June 2013

Star of the week 8

                                                        A.Sahithi - VIIIA

                                                         Sai Shanmukh - VIII B

Saturday 22 June 2013

Koffee with parents

22.6.12 was a day meant for ‘KOFFEE with Parents’ at Orchids. ‘Parents of Orchids, Hyderabad’ attended the interactive session which started with Principal, Ms. Mona Mehdi’s introductory, informative and promising address.  Orchids’s Mission and Vision, its Philosophy, Policies and Rules, activities and constant endeavours to progress were detailed. Orchids is committed to groom students who can become confident and able to deal with all situations. Ethical and moral values always have a predominant importance while pursuing technology-oriented education. Traditional and modern ideas go hand in hand in imparting education. Orchids is a certified Cambridge school and follows CBSE curriculum from classes VI-X.

 The report on the recent achievements of Orchidians, as in Olympiad contests, was very impressive.

The PowerPoint presentation by the Principal gave tips on parenting and advised parents to spend quality and quantity time with their children. They need to encourage their child to cultivate reading habit and motivate the child to offer a book with the child’s name, year and class written, to the school library on his/her birthday.

Parental cooperation in all the events and activities is quite essential and Orchids looks forward to it.  Parents need to encourage their children to grab opportunities and participate in all the programmes, activities and competitions which gradually improve their skills and performance.

Mr. S. Raj Kumar, Regional Manager and Mr. Kameshwara Rao, SAT Executive of South India, Kokuyo Camlin ltd. gave a demonstration of how painting can be made easy. Painting, just as any art, requires interest, patience and guidance and the experts motivated the viewers to learn the art.

A few students of class IX displayed their skills of Rubik’s cube to the delight of the audience.
The Session impressed the audience and closed with the nomination of Parent Representatives for all the classes who can be supportive and contribute ideas for the school’s progress. The session ended with another beginning!

Friday 21 June 2013

Theme: Florence Nightingale - The Lady with the Lamp

The students of VIII B conducted an assembly based on the theme ‘Florence Nightingale’. A brief introduction of Florence Nightingale and her entry to the Nursing profession was presented on the first day. A skit regarding ‘The Crimean War’ and how Florence Nightingale nursed the wounded soldiers was presented on the stage on the second day. On the third day students demonstrated the Candle Light Ceremony of Nurses and informed about her contributions in Mathematics and Statistics. On the subsequent day a PowerPoint presentation on the Life of Florence Nightingale and a video presentation were given. And on the fifth day, a Quiz was conducted by students about Florence Nightingale.

World Music Day

Music expresses a way that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.                                                                                                                -Victor Hugo   
World Music day, also known as ‘La Fete de la Musique’, was a festival that began in 1982. The idea was conceived by the French Minister of culture, Jack Lang, in 1982. Since then 21st June has been celebrated every year as the Music Day.
The students of Orchids-The International school had a great opportunity to showcase their musical talent on the stage during the Assembly on 21-06-2013.
Niranjan  of class X performed on an electronic guitar and Subhasree of class IX on a classical Guitar and the keyboard was played by their Music Instructor Mr. Samuel
The group rendered a National song ‘Vandemataram’ both in Western and Classical style.
The song on delights of music sung by the school choir was accompanied by Guitars (Electrical and Classical) and Keyboard. The song is in Praise of God by Nature in its own sense of music and we join it in our own sense of music.

It was really a delightful conclusion of the musical performance of the day. 

Wednesday 19 June 2013


RAJA RITHVIK, studying in the 5th class made Orchids - The International School proud yet another time. He has become the New National Schools Champion -2013 and bagged Gold medal on 11/6/2013 by scoring 7.5 points out of 9 rounds at Chennai. In the 9th and Final round Rithvik defeated Mehta Naitik of Gujarat in a well fought encounter. Rithvik received the gold medal and Merit Certificate from Indian Grand Master Adhibhan of Chennai. Orchids congratulates him and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours.

Monday 17 June 2013

Star of the week 7

                                                          Ashwini Akula - VIII A


Rayyan Asif Khan

Thursday 13 June 2013

Practising for Perfection

Related to ‘Focus of the month’ a guest lecture was organized on ‘Practising for Perfection’ by Dr.Sriram Kumar Chavali, Managing Director, First Object Technologies Ltd. for classes VI-X. Ardent passion precedes setting goals. A proper planning, sincere implementation and review of the work achieved are quite essential for an aspirant to hit the target. Clarity of goal and consistent practice to reach it yield perfect results. The lecture with PowerPoint presentation was impressive and interactive as students could relate themselves to the examples cited.

Monday 10 June 2013


Month’s Focus:  Practising for Perfection.
MCB-Unit 2 Art and culture
Sections 3 and 4
Work book- Units 1 and 2
Literature - The Party
                      More about people
                      My father and I
 Formal letter
Square and Square roots (cont.)
Exponents and Powers
Cube and Cube roots
Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Application of Standard form of numbers in daily life.
Geometrical Verification of the algebraic identity (a + b)2.
Social Science
 G:Natural vegetation and Wildlife; Mineral & power resources
Marking & labeling of coniferous forests
Making of chart of minerals
H:Life in the rural areas; Tribal communities; 
Collect some pictures of some houses of rural areas.
C:The constitution and the need for laws(cont); Ideals of our constitution

B: Crop production; Micro organisms
 To demonstrate how milk will be converted to curd
P: Force and Pressure
Propagation of sound theorem through Solids, Liquids and Gaseous medium.
C: Metals and Non metals
Chemical properties of Metals
II Language
H:  Bus ki yatra ;Dewano ki hasti ;chintiyo aanuti duniya ;Bhagwan ke dakiye
Bus ki yatra per apna nubhav likeyange

T:  Mathi Hinudu
     Andhula Lipi nirmatha- Louis Braille
     Chaldularagimcuta ; Hasyam
Write about the greatness of Louis Braille and collect some pictures.
F: La révision d’avril
    Jeanne d’art ;
La vie d’un mannequin, est-elle facile ?
   On voyage
Décrivez vos vacances.

Parlez de votre journée.
Speaking skills: Speak about your day to day activities.
III Language
H:  Vani ki visheshata ;Swachata; Veer thumnade chalo; Guru nanak
Swachata pere chitra shahit kuch vakya likhaye jhayenge
T:  Ratnamu ;Eeswara Chandrudu
     Vemana neetulu(2 poems)
     Durasha ; Eddu
Ratnamu – Uses

Durasha story
F: à la cantine; Le pluriel des noms
    Le déménagement
    -Verbes au premier groupe
    -Comment situer les personnes et les objets.
Worksheet -Le pluriel des noms
                     -Les verbes au premier groupe
S:  Nyayalay
     Yasholipsu karna
     Swathanthratha sangram (ka)   

Worksheet on “Computer”
Creative writing skills/English Language Enhancement skills

 Class debate
Paragraph writing
Computer Science
L2: Log on to Access; L3:Working with tables;
 Creating database using design view & templates, using primary key to a table
1. I got peace like a river;
2. The Sun comes with a great big    smile;
3. Ekta Swathantrata
4. God’s love

 Basket ball and Throw ball

Mother & Child competition : 27/7/13

Events and Celebrations:-
1.  13/06/13 -Guest Lecture (VI-X)
2.  15/06/13 -House meeting (VI-X)
3. 21/06/13 –World Music Day (Assembly Presentation)
3.  22/06/13- Koffee with parents (Nur-X)
4.  29/06/13- Prefects’ Council (Election)
5.  11/07/13- World Population Day (Assembly presentation)
6.  13/07/13- Investiture Ceremony
7.  15/07/13 to 19-07-13 – USSR week
8.  20/07/13- PTM + Book fair
9.  26/07/13 Kargil Victory Day(Assembly presentation) + Van Mahostav (Nur- X)
10. 27/07/13 Mother and child competition

      Formative assessment - I     01/07/13 to 09/07/13   (VI-X)

22/6/13 - Saturday

27/7/13 - Saturday