Saturday 21 April 2012

Theme: Himachal Pradesh - The Land of Snow Mountains

Students of class VIII presented thematic assembly based on the theme “HIMACHAL PRADESH- The Land of Snowy Mountains” during the days 16/4/12 to 21/4/12.
On the first day they spoke about the location and climate of HP. They depict the land of snowy mountains with green sari and white shawl.

On the second day students dressed up in HP traditional costumes. Costumes of HP reflect a rich diversity owing to the plethora of culture and religion. Scarves and shawls are universal with women while the men can be found in various types of kurtas and typical Himachali caps. On the third day a power point presentation was shown to apprise the audience on the different adventurous sports and tourist destination of HP. Being April 18, students gave a presentation on the formation of INA. One student dressed up like Subhash Chandra Bose and proclaimed the slogan ‘Give me blood, I will give you freedom’.

On the fourth day, different handicrafts of the state were displayed by the enthusiastic students. They showed various handicrafts of HP such as carpets, wooden works, paintings, metal wares, shawls and the famous Pashmina shawls. Students started the fifth day of the assembly with much more vigour and zest. They displayed and spoke about different fruits of HP and informed the audience that HP is being recognized as the apple state of India. Students concluded the last day of the assembly with a Hindi song, Pardesi Pardesi Jaana Nahin. They danced in tune and tapped their feet rhythmically. The synchrony and positive vibes they emitted made the audience spellbound.

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