Thursday 9 August 2012

Investiture Ceremony (8/8/12)

Orchids-The International School organized the Investiture Ceremony, for the academic year 2012-2013, on August 8 with great enthusiasm.

The ceremony began with the address of the Principal of Orchids, Mrs. Mona Mehdi. She spoke in detail of the encouragement given to students to exercise their right to vote in a judicious manner and the democratic elections conducted in the school. The school song sung by the school choir once again reiterated that Orchidians ‘learn to lead through every deed’. The motto of the school, ‘Learning to lead’ aptly applies to the new leaders ready to shoulder their responsibilities.

The Chief Guest of the day, Mr. K. Srinadh Reddy, Inspector of Police, Madhapur conferred appointments on the students and administered oath. The Appointments are at both School and House levels in both senior and junior sections. Archana Dinesh of class X marched gracefully to be appointed Head Girl-a big responsibility and a coveted position. Ankit Malhotra of the same class was appointed Head Boy. K. Sumasri of class X took the appointment of Discipline Incharge and Arpangmen Imsong (Justin) of class IX was appointed Sports Captain. The proud parents watched their kids march confidently to receive the emblems of leadership.

The Chief Guest, in his inspiring speech of guidance, addressed the Office Bearers to perform their tasks and responsibilities with utmost sincerity and diligence and motivated the students to develop qualities of leadership. He stressed on the importance of honesty, integrity and loyalty as vital qualities for positions of dignity.  The prefects of today are future leaders and hence, very important to the nation. However, everybody has a spark of leadership within and it has only to be kindled to get into the limelight.
Badges and sashes, symbols of appointments added dignity to the Council members reminding them of their responsibilities. With these responsibilities placed on their firm shoulders, the newly appointed office-bearers silently vowed to act as role models for the rest of the school to emulate.

The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.
Overall, this day gave a feeling of accomplishment to the entire school and everyone was happy to have witnessed the first formal occasion and a major event of the academic year.

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