Tuesday 20 November 2012

The fourth International youth and child art exhibition 2012

Students of Orchids The International School participated in Diploma for participation in “FRAGRANCE OF ART BUDS” the fourth International youth and child art exhibition 2012.
The participants were from Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Srilanka, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovekia, Crotia, Ukrine, Maldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, China and India. 6 Orchidians received gold medals and 11 of them got the Jury’s award. The others were given participation certificates.
Gold Medals
1.      Shaik Shanwaz – Class IX
2.      Sahana Govinda Najan – Class II
3.      B.Varshitha Reddy – Class VB
4.      Karthik.G – Class VIIA
5.      Swetha Epuri – Class IV
6.      Rohan Hiremath – Class II

Jury’s Honour
1.      Shaik Shanwaz – Class IX
2.      DivyaAkula – Class VB
3.      Rakesh Druva Sharma – Class VA
4.      Nishanth Thumma – Class IV
5.      Khadija Khan – Class IV
6.      Bhanu Yeshwanth – Class IV
7.      Preksha Bhandari – Class IV
8.      Smera Satiesh Nimje – Class II
9.      Adyan Khan – Class II
10.  Eda Khyati – Class II
11.  Atushree Totla – Class II

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