Friday 21 December 2012

Theme: Sikkim - The Land of Monasteries

Class VIII was assigned the topic ‘SIKKIM’ for the thematic assembly.
The first day of the week started with the Geography of the state and some information about population, capital city of the state, landscape and climate of the state was presented. Prepared charts were used for the display.
On the second day, we discussed the famous monasteries of Sikkim along with pictures and enacted the monk.
On the third day, information about the festival of Sikkim was shared. Students displayed some scenes of the different famous festivals of Sikkim.
On the fourth day, students performed a skit based on the food and the regional language. They prepared the skit in the languages, Nepali and English.
On the fifth day, students displayed a show based on the daily routine of a Monk.
Four students were dressed up as Monks and enacted the activities of a Monk in a day.
On the last day, they conducted a quiz based on information which they shared about Sikkim.

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