Friday 26 April 2013

School reopens for Nursery to IX on 10/6/2013

Summer Vacation (27/4/2013 - 9/6/2013) for classes Nursery - IX

Admin office Timings: 9:30am - 4:30pm during summer vacations.

Cultural Fest

Cultural Fest-2013 of Orchids, organized on the 26th of April was a real feast to the eyes.  Classes from I-X staged their shows separately. The Fest combined entertainment provided by songs and dances and a social awareness depicted by skits. The songs and dances, ‘Heal the world’ by class IV and ‘Conserve energy’ by class III are message-oriented. ‘Dandiya’ of VIII A and Rajasthani folk dance of VI were cheerful with rhythmic beat and light- hearted melody. The kids of I and II were in high spirits, jumping to the beat and dancing delightfully.
‘Orchidian band’ of VIII A, a group song by the girls of X, and ‘Magic show’ of VII were unique with vocal and instrumental music and many puzzling tricks of magic. Class V gave the spectators some much needed tips to tackle summer.
The skits ‘Hara bhara paryavaran’, (in Hindi) by class IX, ‘Saving girl child’ by VIII B, ‘Indian culture’ by V and ‘Unity and diversity’ by X drew a lot of applause depicting environmental and social awareness and conveying strong messages for a good environment and an ideal society.
Principal of Orchids, Mrs. Mona Mehdi congratulated all the classes on organizing the Cultural Fest, a true showcase of sincere efforts and inherent talents of all the participants. 

Theme: Shakespeare - The World's Preeminent Dramatist

Class VIII A was assigned ‘Shakespeare- The World’s Preeminent Dramatist’ for the thematic assembly. On the first day, Class VIIIA threw light on some spectacular facts about William Shakespeare. His most popular works include comedies and tragedies. The second day proceeded by a skit based on a situation from ‘As you like it’. On the third day they depicted the seven stages of life that a man experiences from infancy to old age, as mentioned in ‘As you like it’.  They performed an amazing skit based on a scene from ‘The Merchant of Venice’ the next day.   The assembly theme was concluded by an interactive quiz on the last day. 

Sunday 21 April 2013

Star of the week 3

                                                         Ramya Shruti - VIII A

                                                      Abhishek G.S - VIII B

Saturday 20 April 2013


Good handwriting makes a good impression as face is the index of the mind. Cursive handwriting needs to be given practice in the primary years of schooling so that it becomes a habit which constantly improves with years.
Calligraphy Competition in English was conducted for classes VI-X on 20/4/2013 and students participated with rejuvenated enthusiasm. Two students of a class would be given certificates for good handwriting.

Thursday 18 April 2013


Raja Bhanu of class X organized a Rubik’s Cube competition for all the interested students of classes VII to X on 18/4/2013. The competition comprised three events. These were 3x3x3, 3x3x3 OH and 4x4x4.
The winners of the first category (3x3x3) were Samar Simha Reddy and Ghaneshyam D. of class IX and Roshith Bhanu of class VIIIB. The winners of the second category (3x3x3 OH) were Samar Simha Reddy and Ghaneshyam D. of class IX and Roshith Bhanu, class VIIIB.
The winners of the second category (4x4x4) were Ghaneshyam D. Class IX, Roshith Bhanu class VIIIB and Raja Bhanu, class X.
The competition was very well organized and the participants showed a lot of enthusiasm.

Microsoft Certification Exam

As scheduled, Microsoft Certification Exam was conducted on 15th April, 2013 at Microsoft Certified premises. It was attended by 45 students from  VII to X. The examination was conducted online. Though it was a tough one, all the students fared very well in the examination. Two students, Sri Brahmi from the 10th class and Vaishnavi from the 8th class excelled in their performance and scored 100% by getting 1000/1000 points. These students are qualified to attend the national round of Microsoft Certification Exam which will be held in New Delhi. Orchids – The International School is very proud of their achievement and wishes them success in the National round.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Star of the week 2

                                                        Khushi Goel - VIIIA

                                                     Apoorva Samasani - VIIIB

Tuesday 9 April 2013


There was an educational program on Animal Welfare initiated by Blue Cross of Hyderabad, in Orchids on April 9, 2013. It aimed at advocating prevention of cruelty to animals while helping to understand nature and animals. The organization really raises its voice for those who can’t speak asserting five freedoms the animal friends deserve- Freedom from hunger and thirst, pain and suffering, fear and distress, injury and disease and freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour. The program also clarified the myths and realities of snakes.
It was a humane education exemplifying compassionate treatment of animals.
‘We can stand up for animals every time we sit down to eat’.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Star of the week 1

                                                     Class VIII A: CH.Tanuja

                                                  Class VIII B: Abdul Rahman

Thursday 4 April 2013


Month’s Focus: Set your goals

 Mcb-unit-1- the adventure express
Lit: Swami’s grandmother
 Paragraph writing
Rational numbers
To investigate several squares with different sides length
Social Science
 G:  Resources
H:  The modern Period
C:The constitution and the need for laws
 List out some natural resources.
Time line
Collect some pictures of law breaking incidents from the news papers
 B: Unit I:Food & Crop Production
P: Force & Pressure
C: Synthetic Fibres          
 Effects of force activity-1,2,3
Types of fibres-preparation
Different types of crop plants with examples
II Language
H:  Dhwani,Laak ki chidiya
T:  Subasheta ratnalu, kavala Pillalu
F:  Lesson-0 : Que-Savez-vous de   La France ?  
 M-seal se vibhinna akruti banvayi jayegi
Values to be inculcated.
III Language
H:  Yaad tomahri atihai, Kabulivala
T:  Desa Bhakti&Raatnam
F: Lesson-I – Devine !
S:  Sangeet prabhavha, Upadesh,
 Dry fruits meva ki chitra chipkakar uske bari me panch vakya likhiye.
Creative writing skills/English Language Enhancement skills

 Writing a story
Computer Science
Networking concepts
 Making a presentation on various types of networking and their features.
 Heal the world.

 Basket ball and Throw ball

Calligraphy Competition ( 20/4/2013)


Events and Celebrations:-
1.      Orientation programme (VI-X) – 03/04/2013
2.      INA Day ( Assembly Presentation) – 18/04/2013
3.      Cultural Fest +last working day – 26/04/2013

1.      05/04/2013: Babu Jagjivan Ram’s Birthday
2.      11/4/2013: Ugadi
3.      13/4/2013-Second Saturday
4.      19/4/2013: Sri Rama Navami

Summer vacation: 27/4/2013 to 9/6/2013
          School Reopens: 10/6/2013 (Nursery to IX)