Friday 26 April 2013

Cultural Fest

Cultural Fest-2013 of Orchids, organized on the 26th of April was a real feast to the eyes.  Classes from I-X staged their shows separately. The Fest combined entertainment provided by songs and dances and a social awareness depicted by skits. The songs and dances, ‘Heal the world’ by class IV and ‘Conserve energy’ by class III are message-oriented. ‘Dandiya’ of VIII A and Rajasthani folk dance of VI were cheerful with rhythmic beat and light- hearted melody. The kids of I and II were in high spirits, jumping to the beat and dancing delightfully.
‘Orchidian band’ of VIII A, a group song by the girls of X, and ‘Magic show’ of VII were unique with vocal and instrumental music and many puzzling tricks of magic. Class V gave the spectators some much needed tips to tackle summer.
The skits ‘Hara bhara paryavaran’, (in Hindi) by class IX, ‘Saving girl child’ by VIII B, ‘Indian culture’ by V and ‘Unity and diversity’ by X drew a lot of applause depicting environmental and social awareness and conveying strong messages for a good environment and an ideal society.
Principal of Orchids, Mrs. Mona Mehdi congratulated all the classes on organizing the Cultural Fest, a true showcase of sincere efforts and inherent talents of all the participants. 

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