Saturday 2 August 2014

Mother and Child Competition

Mother and Child Team at Orchids

Competitions, individual or as a team, offer immense pleasure of participation combined with learning experience. Some competitions remain unique and noteworthy involving the participation of parents.  One such is the competition organized in Orchids on August 2, 2014.

‘Mother and Child’ formed quite an understanding team and students of classes I-VII participated in the contest cheerfully with mothers beside, guiding them to implement their plan of work efficiently on time.
Themes given for the classes: I&II – Hat making
                                             III – V - Mask making 
                                             VI & VII - Collage making on ‘A famous woman’          

Parents shared the enthusiasm of their children and participated in the activity organized especially for them to the delight of everyone. Joy of participation, alacrity to wind up the work within the stipulated one hour and admirable coordination they had with their children made each and every ‘Mother and Child’ team, a winner indeed.

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