Monday 20 February 2012


Orchids-The International School organized a Seminar on ‘Raising Positive and Happy Kids’ by Mr.Guru Nadkarni, Director, E-Plus Learning Solution, Pvt. Ltd. on 18.2.2012. His address to the parents was very effective and self-analyzing. A parent ought to spend sufficient, quality time with his children to listen to them, tell them bedtime stories, help them read and encourage them to choose their friends with good attitude and behaviour. Children are like bamboo seeds and will rise high at an appropriate time. A parent needs patience and undue emphasis on marks must necessarily be avoided. Home is the most ideal place to influence children and moral support at home is indispensable for a child to grow well.

As children are great imitators, leading by examples is very important and effective. ‘Children don’t do what you say; they do what you do’. ‘In case of a failure, become a friend, not a judge’. Lost time cannot be retrieved and there are no U turns in life.

Sub-conscious mind doesn’t think; it acts. Feeding positive commands to the child helps him to face challenges confidently and with right spirit. Applause is a great encourager and helps the child to reap rewards. Some useful thoughts:

  • Don’t keep telling your child too much about your childhood accomplishments.
  • Let your children know that nobody can make them feel inferior.
  • Don’t talk negatively about your children in their presence.
  • Entrust your children some tasks which could make them feel empowered.
  • Never be rude to your child.
  • Make them realize, ‘Failure is not a sin; Giving up is!’
  • Reinforce positive thoughts.

The thought-provoking Seminar was supplemented by effective video clippings. The Seminar was an enriching experience and was attended by parents and teachers of Orchids..

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